(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-08].iso/CUCD/WWW/http/www.vulcan.co.uk/LOGOS/VUL-BIG.JPG)
August 1997
30th August 1997
Added In-Game Screen shots to Hard Target Pages.
29th August 1997
Uropa2 CDRom Digital Speech inclusion is complete, not long to go now!
28th August 1997
The Final Odyssey CDRom is embellished with its animated intro sequence, not long to go on this one!
27th August 1997
Added `Expected Enemies` Screen shot to Genetic Species Pages, Who do you want to be today?
26th August 1997
The Strangers AGA CDRom release date is now definitely Wednesday the 3rd September, All pre-orders will be packaged and despatched on the Thursday 4rth September, sorry for the wait but it'll be worth it!
21st August 1997
The Amiga Dimension (Australia) are now stocking the entire Vulcan range!
19th August 1997
Due to CD pressing delays the release date for The Strangers AGA CDRom has fallen once again! But we are confident that the 25th August will be the day of shipping!
19th August 1997
Updated the `Scions of a Forgotten World` and `Hard Target` future games pages.
18th August 1997
The Strangers AGA CDRom Playable Demo is now available for download.
17th August 1997
Implemented a `Vulcan Downloads` page for ease of use with all *new* Vulcan demos that include `how to play` information along with ordering details.
15th August 1997
Last minute switch, The Final Odyssey due to its size will now be a MegaSeries CDRom title and no longer a MiniSeries floppy title, I think we can safely say, `Goodbye ye ole flopper!` and `hello, you CD wopper!`.
14th August 1997
Centsible Software in the U.S.A. is now stocking the Entire Vulcan Range!
13th August 1997
Wasted Dreams development coming to a close! ...a quick trivia question, `How many sprite animation's do you think is possible in a 16 x 24 grid size?`, answer, `Think again!`.
12th August 1997
Genetic Species receives a low level floor mapping option, Wow! how fast can this game get!
11th August 1997
Vulcan are proud to announce the signing of `Imij Software` to the Vulcan Label with Hard Target, anyone fancy Virtua Cop on your Amiga?
11th August 1997
Just heard that Amiga Review (UK Magazine) has folded, it's all a bit too scary, or is it just me?
11th August 1997
Just heard that Amiga Computing (UK Magazine) has folded, sorry to see you go, it's been fun.
11th August 1997
The Strangers AGA CD-Rom hits the production line, only a matter of days before they are available!
10th August 1997
Uropa2 CDRom intro Animation now complete... not long to go now!
8th August 1997
The Final Odyssey (probably Vulcans last floppy release) receives another world Level before final testing stage begins, this now brings it up to 5 huge complex worlds.
7th August 1997
Uropa2 digital speech is now in its final stages, this title is awesome! Expected release date 1st September.
6th August 1997
Updated The `Wasted Dreams` screenshots Page
6th August 1997
Updated The `Uropa2` Screenshots Page
6th August 1997
Updated The `Strangers` Plaque Page
6th August 1997
Elliott the miniature Vulcanite had his 1st birthday today!
6th August 1997
Release Date for The Strangers CDRom has fallen again and now is expected for the 18th August 1997, but hey! It's worth the wait!
5th August 1997
Vulcan Software opens its North American branch (VULCAN SOFTWARE AMERICA) to serve our American & Canadian Amiga users and Amiga stockists.
4th August 1997
Weird Science Limited UK are now stocking the entire Vulcan range!
4th August 1997
Genetic Species Artificial Intelligence is done! Aaaargh these guys are scary!
3rd August 1997
Software First UK are now stocking the entire Vulcan range!
2nd August 1997
Islona Entertainment UK are now stocking the entire Vulcan range!
1st August 1997
Final Odyssey is in its final testing stages, an August release looks likely.
(c)1997 Vulcan Software Ltd.